Sunday 29 September 2013

Poo. It's Normal.

Poop is always grosser when it's not in the toilet. Always. But during labor, could it possibly be a good thing? 

She was in pain and I'm sure frightened but what distressed this mama the most was that she was passing a considerable amount of stool with each contraction. She was squatting on the bed and kept looking back at it, crying and trying to cover it with the sheet (which was a flat sheet and sliding all over the bed with the smallest movement). She was just plain embarrassed about it. 

I repeatedly told her that it was a common part of labor and not to worry. To be completely honest though, I was thoroughly grossed out. The poo was all over the lower half of her bed and all over her feet. I had already stepped in some and the smell was thick in the small area where her bed was. I didn't want her to think that I thought she was gross and shame her more so I nonchalantly cleaned up what I could and covered the rest. 

Later, in my quest for more doula knowledge, I googled the details of passing stool during labor. Wow. The results made me giggle. Links with titles such as "How to Avoid Pooping During Labor" and "The Real Scoop on Pooping During Labor." Serious? "The Real Scoop"?? They couldn't come up with a classier title?! I suppose nothing about labor is classy. Regardless, I couldn't resist finding out what treasure trove of information awaited me. Much of what they had to say reinforced what I already knew but here it is:

~We tell mamas to bear down and push like when they have to go number 2 so pooping is a sign that the mama is doing it right and pushing well! Woop woop!

~When a mama is afraid of pooping, she may not push correctly and can draw out that stage of her labor. What a bunch of wasted energy! Plus, when she's feeling afraid, unprotected or anxious (like when she's squatting in her own yuckiness), her body produces catecholamine, a stress hormone that can stall her labor. 

~Mild diarrhea and loose stools are a normal sign of pre-labor and the body's way of cleansing prior to all that rectal pressure. This is wonderful but most women still pass stool when they're pushing.

~Despite the digestive probabilities, a mama should continue to eat (only if hungry) and drink lots of fluids throughout her labor to keep hydrated and energized. I understand that this is somewhat controversial but in this little ward, almost anything seems to go and these mamas do what seems the most natural and instinctive. 

~Don't encourage a mama to try to have a bowel movement when she's in active labor or in transition in an effort to prevent her from pooping later on. Straining in this way, before her body is ready may cause swelling or tearing of the cervix.

~Because AIDS is huge here and we're talking poop, I have to clarify that HIV AIDS cannot be transmitted though feces. However, whenever you're dealing with bodily substances, please wear gloves. 

So in conclusion, the nastiness of poop during delivery is a necessary evil so keep on loving and supporting the mama and remind her that she's doing well and that all the yucky is a good sign. Oh and, watch where you step.


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