Wednesday 28 May 2014

These Faces...

Here's a peek at some of the women I've had the privilege to work with. 

All but one of these mamas were actively laboring and still waiting for beds. (Yet still smiling!)
The one, second from the left, was waiting to be discharged. Her baby was stillborn
and her family had taken the baby's body away to be fitted for a coffin.

These two were camped out on the floor in the back hallway, waiting to be
moved to the post-natal ward. I love the look of love on this mama's face and the
crinkled, miserable one on the face of her baby!

She came out from the bush to deliver her third child. She delivered and was up
and moved to another ward all within about three hours time.

One of the best parts of this work is witnessing the family see the new baby
for the first time. This sweet mama took her baby girl out to meet her sister.
The new aunt was squealing with joy and refused any help in carrying
all the bags and food to the post-natal ward.

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