Monday, 17 February 2014

Spin the...Baby

I saw something really neat! A mother presented with her baby in the breech position and so the doctor was called and he performed an external cephalic version - in other words, he manually turned the baby so that its head was down. It was fascinating! It looked really painful but the mama was quiet the entire time. 

The doctor put one hand on the mama's belly at the baby's head and another at the baby's rump and then manipulated it until his/her head was 180 degrees from where it had started. The doctor had to start over once because he let go and the baby turned right back.  

When the doctor was finished the mama's belly was poking out to one side and it look like she had a tumor instead on a baby in there. The midwife asked her to collect her things and they sent her to the adjacent ward to wait until she started to dilate.

What I've read says that there's not much risk in performing a EVC. Unless you tangle the cord, there's not sufficient amniotic fluid, the membranes have already ruptured, the uterus contracts too much, is too hard or the baby has already engaged in the pelvis than all should be a-okay. 

Well, that just sounded like the long string of warnings at the end of those new drug commercials...sans the explosive diarrhea and thoughts of suicide.

According to my online research, there's only a 58% chance that it will be successful. I think that if I were going to have this done, I'd want more assurances of it sticking.

Anyhoo, there you go.   

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