Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Precious Life

A quick story to give your heart some joy! As my friend and I were getting ready to leave for the day, we stopped by the bed of a woman whom we had been working with periodically throughout the day. She was extremely proactive in her labor and walked all the way up until she felt the urge to push and so she needed very little of our help. 

In our final conversation with her, she shared her story with us.

She was attending university, studying to be an accountant, when she and her husband found out they were pregnant. Not wanting a baby to interrupt her career plans, they both decided that she should terminate the pregnancy. She visited multiple clinics, unable to find a single person willing to help her abort her baby. She was frustrated and discouraged. One night during this time, she dreamt that she carried her baby to term and delivered a huge, healthy baby boy. In fact, her baby was 2-3 months old when she delivered him - moving, smiling and full of life. She was lying awake after her dream, thinking about it, when her husband rolled over to talk to her. He had just had a strange dream. He too dreamt that she delivered a baby boy but in his dream he saw their son grown - a big, strong man. He saw him running and playing rugby. Together that night, they decided not to abort their baby.

Fast forward to the day my friend and I were with her. We approached her bed, just as a huge baby boy was hoisted up onto her chest! Oh the grace and loving mercy of God! Her son gazed up into her face, wide-eyed, the entire time she talked to us. It was the loveliest thing I have ever seen. 

I am so very humbled to be apart of God's work among these women. What a privilege to hear their stories and walk with them for a portion of their journey. All glory to the mighty God who sees and knows and ministers unto His own.

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