Sunday 3 November 2013

8 Pounds of Good News!

Imagine my surprise when I peeked through the curtain and saw a mama in the waiting area, legs splayed, puddle of water on the floor and the family rushing around her in excited concern.

I couldn't get out to her right away and neither could the midwives so her family took her into the closest room, the place where the midwives do paper work and drink tea. When I got there, the mama was squatting down pushing and her mother was right there preparing to catch her grandbaby! 

Unsure of what to do and not wanting to ask them to move, I just talked excitedly about the coming baby and for more details about what was going on.

Just when I was running out of things to ask, the midwife came in and rather abruptly told the mama to follow her to a bed. The mother's hands we wet with amniotic fluid so I showed her to a sink and while she washed, we visited.

She told me that this was her daughter's second child. Her first had been born at the hospital on a busy day when there wasn't enough staff and it had died. Oh how my heart went out for this mama! How she must be reliving that horrible day right at that moment! Her mother clutched my arm, looked into my eyes and pleaded with me to take care of her daughter.  

Oh sweet lady. Let me tell you about my Lord who already knows your daughter and loves her deeply. I wish I would've said these words out loud.

After showing the mother back out to the waiting area, I went over and stood with her daughter. Within a few moments, a big baby boy came splashing out into the cold room. It didn't seem to register for this mama that her child was here, alive and healthy. It wasn't until she put her hands on her baby that her face softened. I think it was then that she really saw him.

As my friend and I were leaving the ward, we passed the family, all anxiously awaiting any news of their daughter and sister. The mother jumped up and rushed over to me. "Has she had the baby? Is it alright? Is she alright?" The questions came in a hurry and I barely caught each one as my brain translated. I answered.

"She has delivered!"

"What is it??!"

"It's a boy!"

Then came all the hugs, the kisses, laughter and perhaps a little dancing! Any bystander may have thought we were apart of their family if my friend and I weren't so white!

We left laughing and praising God. 

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